Good Friends and Old Shoes

There are few gifts greater than a good friend. There is always something accidental about a good friendship. Like a favourite pair of shoes, a good friendship is too beautiful to be hoped for and only emerges through much wear and tear. The quality of the shoe and suitability to its task is unknowable before the journey, so too is a good friendship. One begins to naturally slip on the shoe, rather than another, as naturally as breathing. One begins to connect with a good friend, rather than another, as naturally as putting on a favourite shoe.

There is nothing more spectacularly surprising and unexpected, yet in some way fitting than Jesus calling His followers His friends (John 15.15). What is even more remarkable is the friendship he offers sinners — which is totally unimaginable.

Jesus! what a Friend for sinners!
Jesus! Lover of my soul;
Friends may fail me, foes assail me,
He, my Savior, makes me whole.

  • John Chapman, 1910

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