The Goodness of God

There are times when life is difficult and there are times when it is good. Its so cliche, and yet it is so true.   I find it easy to blame God for the difficult times, and forget to thank him for the good.

We are blessed to be able to live where we live in the Student Family Housing of the University of Toronto. We are five minutes away from school, we have a playground in the back, a drop-in centre close by for children under five, a rooftop garden to play in, and best of all its the right price!

We had given up all hope of being in this building just a few short months ago and were actually looking at an adjacent building. We looked at the playground at the back of this building and were a little put out that our kids couldn’t play in it.

Now they can!

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heav’nly host;

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost [Spirit].

If you’re in a difficult time right now and would like prayer please contact me and I would love to pray for you!holy-914891_960_720

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